A Playlist about Gender Stereotypes

by 2021 DPF Peace Intern Marisa Black

A Playlist is a way of engaging with an idea or topic. They can be used as small group discussion starters, for personal devotions, or as a place to jump into a subject. 

gender stereotypes.png

On the subject of Gender Stereotypes, here is:

…Something to Break the Ice

Just By Looking at Me
Instructions: Have participants sit in a circle. One at a time, ask them to share their answers to the the following prompts: 

My name is ___ and I am from ___. 

Three things you can tell just by looking at me are ___. 

Two things you would know after one conversation with me are ___. 

One thing someone who knows me really well would know ___. 

{Note: Participants can choose to share something lighthearted and fun, or highly personal - whatever they are comfortable with.}

Something to Watch 

Gender Stereotype Ads
This video shows several different advertisements, all containing gender stereotypes. This would be great to use as an identification activity - have participants see how many different gender roles they can spot.

Boys and Girls on Stereotypes
In this video, young girls and boys share their thoughts on what it means to be a boy or girl and on gender stereotypes.

Toilets, bowties, gender and me
Why is it so important for us to know someone else's gender? We live in a gendered world, but for Audrey, gender is fluid at best an uncomfortable construct. Is there a way to be less reliant on gender in our interactions with people? And what does this mean when it comes to the clothes we wear, or even which toilet we choose to use? If you met Audrey Mason-Hyde, you might think Audrey was a boy, which isn’t quite correct, but calling Audrey a girl doesn’t feel quite right either. 

…Something to Read

Gender Roles Can Create Lifelong Cycle of Inequality
This article defines gender, gender norms, and gender roles and how they deny girls all around the world of their rights to education, health, and independence. It also talks about other impacts of gender norms, such as the distribution of labor and gender based violence.

7 Surprising and Outrageous Stats About Gender Inequality
This article provides a list of statistics that show the huge differences in the types of inequality faced by women in different parts of the world - ranging from cultural representation, to domestic burdens and child marriage.

…Something to Wonder

How are gender roles reinforced?

…Something to Talk/Think/Journal About

  • Do you see yourself as a typical “man” or “woman”? Why or why not?

  • What are the responsibilities of a father to his family? What about a mother?

  • Are fathers capable of carrying out the duties of a mother and vice versa?

  • Are there different expectations for sons and daughters?

  • What are some gender roles you have noticed (in jobs, chores, colors, toys, etc)?

…Something to Do

Save the Children Federation
This organization provides several ways to help fight gender norms around the world, from things as simple as signing a petition, to donating, sponsoring a child, and providing more information on how to fight these roles in everyday life.

Practice Counteracting Stereotypes
Exposing our brains to images that contradict stereotypes can actually decrease your implicit bias. Find images that do not fit traditional stereotypes and post them in places you view often.

Watch Your Language
Our language sends messages about our expectations based on gender. When we comment on how pretty girls are or how strong boys are, we send messages about our expectations. Try using gender neutral words like “they” when talking about people in abstract. Say “firefighter” instead of fireman and “police officer” instead of policeman.

Something to Pray

Prayer for Equal Dignity - Jill Rauh

We are all equal as human beings
Sister and brother
Employer and employee
Chief officer and manual laborer
Equally loved before God.

Yet, our system discriminates based on
And many of God's children are placed into a hierarchy of inequality and discomfort.

We are called to stretch out our arms between the tiny, exclusive tip
and the broad, platform of the masses.

To form a bridge, to create a way
For those made unequal to come together as one in equality, in human dignity.

Loving God, Creator of dignity and all that lives,
Help us be bridges.
Help us cry out for respect and value for all
When society forgets that
at in our most basic nature,
We are all God's children.
