Singing to the Lions
For the last several summers DPF Peace Interns have been trained to use the peace practices resources from “Singing to the Lions” by Jonathan Brakarsh with Lucy Y. Steinitz.
Check out this great introductory video below, and then keep reading to learn more about the resource and find out how Disciples Peace Fellowship and the Peace Interns have been using this incredible tool to empower youth and young people.
Developed by Catholic Relief Services, “Singing to the Lions: A Guide to Overcoming Fear and Violence in Our Lives” is a remarkable resource that is designed to help children and youth lessen the impact of violence and abuse in their lives. Participants learn simple, tangible skills that can help them transform their lives and no longer feel dominated by fear. Although the resource is aimed at young people and includes games, art and songs, it can also be used to help adults take action on aspects of their lives that cause fear and, in so doing, become better parents and caregivers.
The 84-page Guide and the 20-page Supplement are available to download, free of charge, from Catholic Relief Services. There is also a 20-minute Training Video that is a wonderful place to start learning about “Singing to the Lions.”
Peace Interns have used the hands-on tools and practical peacemaking resources from “Singing to the Lions” as small group supplements, for large group games, as part of camp-wide encounters, and even as a source for daily, personal spiritual disciplines.
Over the years Peace Interns have also been adapting the “Singing to the Lions” practices into short, easy to use pamphlets that can be downloaded and used in any number of settings. Check them out below!
Activity: The Safe Place Inside Us (extended version)
Adapted by 2023 DPF Peace Intern Kaylie Allen

Dealing with Stress: Five Things I Can See, Hear, Touch
Adapted by 2023 DPF Peace Intern Kaylie Allen

Activity: Small Steps Up the Mountain
Adapted by 2023 DPF Peace Intern Marci Mazza-Fredley

Activity: The Safe Place Inside Us (short version)
Adapted by 2022 DPF Peace Intern Isaac Ackerman
Activity: Understanding Fear
Adapted by 2022 DPF Peace Intern Erin Gresham

Activity: Just Change the Channel
Adapted by 2021 DPF Peace Intern Marisa Black

Activity: The Tree of Life
Adapted by 2020 DPF Peace Intern Jennifer Williams