Peace Resources
Books, Films, Blogs, and Organizations
Below is a list of organizations, groups, books, films, magazines and other kinds of media that are helpful for continuing participation and conversation around issues of peace:
General Peace Resources:
Letter from a Birmingham Jail– Martin Luther King, Jr.
JustPeaceCompanion from the World Council of Churches, 2011
The Weight of Nothing – story as retold by Joseph Jaworski
The Gospel, Nonviolence and Civil Discourse (from Pax Christi)
The Prophetic Imagination– Walter Brueggemann
Preaching God’s Tansforming Justice: A Lectionary Commentary, Allen, Andrews, and Ottoni-Wilhelm
The Violence of Love– Oscar Romero
The Powers That Be– Walter Wink
A Theology of Liberation– Gustavo Gutierrez
Overthrow: America’s Century of Regime Change from Hawaii to Iraq– Stephen Kinzer
Peace is Every Step: The Path of Mindfulness in Everyday Life– Thich Nhat Hanh
The Politics of Jesus– John Howard Yoder
The Peaceable Kingdom– Stanley Hauerwas
Covenant of Peace– Willard Swartley
The God of Peace– John Dear
Social Justice/Peace Organizations:
Churches for Middle East Peace
Disciples Center for Public Witness
Annual Events:
Curriculum (educational activities for groups):
Congo Initiative of Global Ministries
Human Trafficking resources from Disciples Women’s Ministries
Gun Violence Prevention (From The Presbyterian Peace Fellowship)
R.E.A.D.Y. (Revolutionary, Engaged and Driven Youth- from UCC files)