What Does it Take to be a Peace Intern?
“I went out this summer to form connections with campers, link the different camps, help build faith, and most importantly teach about social justice. There is no way that I am the same person that entered into this internship and I am truly grateful for that growth. This is something I am going to carry with me for the rest of my life! ”
Serving as a DPF Peace Intern
Thanks for your interest in the DPF Intern program. Below are some things to be aware of as you consider applying:
Peace Interns must be at least 21 years of age by June 1 of the year of their internship.
This is a paid, twelve week, intensive internship that will give you the opportunity to travel the country attending different weeklong church camps and denominational events as an ambassador for peace and justice.
In order to be considered for a position, your intern application needs to be complete by the due date. This includes submittal of the Intern Application Form and Three Online Reference Forms completed by people who know you well (one of which should be a minister and none of whom should be related to you). Find the reference form here and distribute it to your references.
While DPF does not require that our interns have a specific set of beliefs, interns agree to represent the values and commitments of Disciples Peace Fellowship in their work and teachings throughout the summer, including DPF’s commitment to being a pacifist, open & affirming organization.
Internship training takes place during the last week of May in Indianapolis, Indiana. The internship summer concludes by August 15. Please note, however, that there are some small tasks and preparation that interns will need to complete prior to arrival in Indianapolis. Such tasks will be assigned after placement.
Interns travel for the duration of their internship. Travel is primarily done independently, though not always. Though Peace Intern summer schedules may include brief stops at home, this is not guaranteed.
Interns are hosted each week in new locations by faith communities and events, primarily youth camps and conferences in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ).
DPF does not guarantee that specific requests for time off can be met during the internship summer. If desired, any time off should be requested when offered the intern assignment. Should time off be requested and granted, no stipend will be issued for the vacation period. Additionally, DPF does not fund transportation home or to other locations unless it is the end of your intern assignment. Any arrangements for time off will be made at the intern’s own expense.
Because DPF is a Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) organization and because DPF’s Peace Interns primarily work with Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) youth and events, it is helpful that intern applicants have some knowledge and experience of the denomination prior to applying. This is preferred but not required.
The Application Form does not allow you to save responses and return to finish the application. For the essay portions, we highly recommend that you write, save and edit in a separate document, then copy and paste your responses into the fields provided so that you do not lose your information.
If you are interested in learning more about the DPF Peace Intern Program please contact Brian Frederick-Gray, DPF Mission Director, at missiondirector@disciplespeace.org.