“Outside of the historic “peace churches” no American religious tradition has a longer or richer peace heritage than the Disciples of Christ. Strong advocates for nonviolence were at the very origins oi the church. No other mainline denomination can claim founders who were pacifists. The earliest and most influential leaders, Alexander Campbell and Barton W. Stone were both pacifists. Their convictions were shared by many well_ known figures in the church’s first few decades Thomas Campbell, Phillip Fall, Raccoon John Smith, Robert Richardson, Moses Lard. Benjamin Franklin, Alexander Proctor, J.W. McGarvey and others. Throughout the history of the Disciples there have been leaders who have condemned war and violence and who have called for the practice of peace.”
Click here to read Alexander Campbell’s ‘Address on War’
The Sword or the Cross by Disciples 20th century peace activist Kirby Page
Disciples Peace Bibliography.doc
Discovering Peace: A sermon for Martin Luther King Day by DPF Mission Director Brian Frederick-Gray
Is Christianity a Religion of Peace by Craig M. Watts
Just War:_Just Warriors and the Church by Craig M. Watts
Just War:_Pacifism and the Ethics of Protection by Craig M. Watts
Church Unity and the Necessity of Nonviolence in The Journal for Ecumenical Studies
Church Unity and the Repudiation of War by Peter Ainslie
A Disciples of Christ Peace Heritage by Craig M. Watts