Training Week Reflections

Hi everyone!

My name is Ella Gordon (any pronouns) and I’m so excited to spend this summer as a Peace Intern and to share my experiences with you all! 

Me on the head of Funky Bones by New Fields in Indy (I have always wanted to go!!)

I am from Corvallis, Oregon, so you can imagine how exciting it was for me to travel to a state I had never been to before, in an area of the country that I was quite unfamiliar with! My first impression of Indiana was that it had many trees (like Oregon), humidity (not like Oregon), and a very cool church with a rainbow pride float  outside the guest house where I stayed with the other interns. I felt right at home after being welcomed by DPF Mission Director Rev. Brian Frederick-Gray, Rev. (and Former Peace Intern!) Sarah Zuniga, and my fellow interns Maggie and Allison. I was so excited to attend the services at Allisonville Christian Church and spend a week learning from all of the amazing Disciples people we were going to talk to. 

This is my favorite installation in the guest house. I’m especially fond of the Among Us crewmate bearing a chalice symbol. 

What I didn’t expect was that I would test positive for Covid the second night of being in the guest house. I was devastated–I was just getting to know everyone, and now I would have to be isolated in one of the guest house rooms, attending our workshops on Zoom. Luckily, I couldn’t have asked for a better week to have Covid, because everybody was incredibly accommodating. We pivoted most of our meetings to being on Zoom, so I was really only ever a room away from Brian and the interns! Not only that, but I was able to take in a bounty of information and wisdom from the people we talked to each day. I learned about organizations within our church that I wanted to learn more about and that I had never even heard of. 

At least while I was sick, I got to be in the same room as these beautiful tiles.

I also learned that several people happened to know my dad, Rev. Matt Gordon. I felt a little bit famous, I can’t lie. It made me think about how simultaneously big and small the Disciples church is. It’s a beautiful thing that even though I hadn’t met several of these people, they were one or two degrees of separation from me or someone else I knew within the church. I joked with Maggie and Allison that we could draw a “Disciples Family Tree” and probably find more connections than we expected. This might become my next project…

I watched the church livestream while I had Covid so I could still feel like I was there! 

About halfway through the week, I finally tested negative for Covid! I was overjoyed to get to be in the same room as everyone (they all stayed COVID free the whole week)! I was able to sit on the couch during our training sessions instead of in my little room—it was amazing. In the evening, we  met up with other Allisonville staff (and Allison’s sister!) to have dinner and look at art in the city, and I felt an instant sense of loving community and connection. Back at the guest house, I had a late night with the interns, who were quickly beginning to feel like some of my best friends. 

The three Peace Interns embracing.

The interns and our Peace Intern Chaplain Rev. Sarah Zuniga being silly by the river.

Friday was one of my favorite days. We met with people who work for Global Ministries, and it was the first day we had IN-PERSON guests in the guest house!! Beth Guy and Fiyori Kidane came to talk to us about the opportunities that are available through this organization. I already have some interest in becoming a Global Mission intern after I graduate, so it was great to learn about what the process of becoming one is like. 

Hanging out in the Guest House with Beth and Fiyori.

On Saturday, I got to be a part of the Indy Pride Parade with Allison, Sarah and several members of Allisonville Christian Church. We walked in front of that float that I mentioned earlier and waved to the crowds gathering in the street. It was the most euphoric I had felt in a while, being surrounded by fellow queer people and allies and expressing myself in my fullest, most authentic state. We encountered very few homophobic protesters, but when we did, we sang loud enough to drown out any hateful words they tried to direct our way. I felt the immense love of God’s presence as our voices rose above the crowd and we continued to participate in pride festivities throughout the day. As the signs Sarah made say: queerness is divine!

 Me with a beautiful sign from Sarah, about to walk in the parade! 

Allison and I in the Indy Pride Parade!

On the very last day of being in Indy, I got to see Maggie and Allison off as they went to their very first camp placement. It was bittersweet—I’m excited for them and all they will encounter this summer, but I’m going to miss them very much. I know that when we reconvene, we will have many stories to share! I’m in my remote week now finishing up finals, but on Sunday I’m flying to Kansas City for my very first camp of the summer, Tall Oaks. I’ll update you all about my time there, so stay tuned! I feel blessed and honored to be a Peace Intern! 

Allison, Maggie and I in the sanctuary at our host congregation Allisonville Christian Church.