This Week's Airports

I have decided that throughout my travels, I will be rating each airport I go to on the classic 1-10 scale, with pictures included in each review. 

Starting off strong, we have the Eugene Airport, which I always fly out of to begin a trip. This is a solid airport. I believe there are less than 10 gates, and it takes under 5 minutes to get through security. I always buy Gardetto’s snack mix and candy from the store near the A gates. It gives me a sense of routine that I feel is key for any travel. The only bad thing about this airport is that it can get boring if you have to spend more than an hour waiting for a flight. 9/10. 

The view of the sunrise from a window in the Eugene Airport. I love early flights, because I get to see beautiful sunrises each time! 

Next up is the Denver International Airport. Friends, I have nothing to say that sums this airport up better than “Boooo.” This is mainly because I got stuck there for several hours when coming back from Japan recently, and let me tell you, there is nothing fun to do here and not enough good food options. Also, the bathrooms are strange and it is hard to find the sinks. On the upside, I got to eat a banger of a sandwich from Einstein Bros. Bagels. This caused me to reminisce about the time when Einstein Bros. existed in my town back in the day, so for that I give this airport points for that. But it’s still a 4.5/10. 

Doesn’t this sandwich look great? 

Next we have the Indianapolis International Airport! I quite liked this airport; it made a great impression considering it was my first time there when I touched down at the beginning of Training Week. It felt quiet despite some of the typical people-traffic I encountered, and it was easy to find Brian and the other Peace Interns as I was making my way out. I had to go through security on my way back home, but it was a reasonably sized line for how populated Indy is, and my stress levels were low. Also, there were many spots to sit while waiting at the gate, so that was nice. I rate this airport an 8/10. It is a top contender…maybe it’ll make it into my top three by the end of the summer. 

I didn’t actually take any photos in the Indy airport, so I guess I’m a fake fan. But here’s me about to fly out, and as you can tell by the thumbs up, I’m in a good mood. 

Finally, I stopped at the LAS airport in Las Vegas. It was glaringly obvious that I was in Las Vegas, because there were slot machines EVERYWHERE. I didn’t know whether to be appalled or charmed. Some might say that this airport had a sense of whimsy, all the way down to the bag of Flamin’ Hot Cheetos that I found in a toilet right after landing. Others might say that it takes way too long to get to the C gates and that hey, maybe there should be a train or a shuttle or something! However, I had plenty of time to buy a snack and sit down by the gate, which had a rainbow sign on it for Pride Month. I watched a man play on the slot machines to keep myself entertained, and I must say I was fascinated. This airport ranks higher than Denver, if you can believe it. 6.5/10. 

I’m not sure “fabulous” is the right word, but okay. 

I mean, what??!?!?

Stay tuned for the next round of airport reviews!