Peace Intern Closing Retreat AND General Assembly

Wow!! I cannot believe the summer is already over! I had an amazing closing week with Grace, Kaylie, Sarah and Brian. While in Indianapolis before General Assembly, we discussed each of our summers and the camps we attended.

It was so amazing to hear about the other intern’s camp experiences and talk about the similarities in all of the amazing camps we attended. We also took some time to wind down and simply hang out with one another before a jam-packed four days in Kentucky!

We went and saw the Barbie movie (and yes, we all wore pink!!) We went back to TopGolf (and yes, we all improved our golfing skills!!) And, we tried a bunch of new coffee places together while answering Brian’s famous fishbowl questions about our summer experiences. At the closing retreat, the question of “what season of life are you in?” came upon me again, but in a different fashion: what era are in you? (And yes, this is in reference to the Eras tour!) But, after a summer of thinking about it, I am in a season of change, but I am also in my comeback era. This comeback era has taught me so much about how I want to see myself in the world around me. I’ve taken risks this summer, tried new things, pushed myself out of my comfort zone, and I am proud of the Marci I embraced along the way. 

After a couple of days back in Indianapolis, we packed up and headed to Louisville, Kentucky for General Assembly! Where the theme was: Kindom of God: Within us and Among us. This was my first General Assembly, and what better way to go about a general assembly than experiencing it with your mama?! One of the fish bowl questions that Brian asked us was, “who are you most excited to see at General Assembly?” My answer was: my mom and Dr. Rev. William Barber.

The whole GA experience was like no other- especially coming off of a jam packed summer as a Disciples Peace Intern. I met past interns, got to see those from the camps I had just come from, and met some amazing individuals who work within the greater church. 

I had some amazing opportunities at this General Assembly and I still cannot believe all that I was involved in!! I got the chance to speak at the pro mic in favor of the Palestine resolution presented. This resolution means so much to me, considering I just got back from Palestine and have been learning so much about the history of Palestine and Palestinian culture. And to be able to speak to other Disciples about why supporting this resolution is so important, was amazing. The resolution passed too!! This was not the only historic resolution I voted in support of either! We also passed a resolution denouncing Chrisitian Nationalism, and another resolution in stand against the continuous legislature that is harmful and deadly for our transgender siblings. In the final days of GA, I also had the opportunity to sign on in support of an emergency resolution that calls for the end of “cop city” in Atlanta, Georgia and acknowledges the dangers that the climate catastrophe brings for people of color and indigenous communities. 

While all of my days started early, and ended late, I had the most amazing experience at GA and every second was cherished. One of the things I looked forward to most everyday was the worship services. The worship services were packed with amazing speakers and soul touching music. So many amazing lessons were taught from the pulpit and spoken in the form of prayers. One night, the worship leaders called for those who feel moved, to find one of the regional ministers standing along the wall and ask them to pray over you. My mom and I went up to Tennessee Regional Minister Cristal Williams for a prayer, and she said everything I needed to hear. I knew as soon as she started praying for us, that God was speaking through her. That is a moment I will never forget! 

Not only did I get that amazing message from Cristal, but I also got to hear Dr. Rev. William Barber preach in person!!! To hear Dr. Barber preaching only 4 rows in front of me was absolutely life changing. He is such an inspiration to me, and the message he preached will live on in my heart and mind for the rest of my life! Remember Disciples: we are called to be a challenge to the challenges of this life, this world, and this culture. I can’t wait for the next GA!! Hope to see y’all in Memphis, Tennessee! 

And lastly, thank you to everyone who sent me cards, packages, and prayers throughout the summer. Your support has meant so much to me and I am so lucky to have had an amazing opportunity. Your kind words and generous gifts are loved and greatly appreciated!! I am so blessed for the experience DPF has provided me with. I cannot wait to see who become interns as the years continue!