My Week at Camp Crystal

Camp Crystal is a beautiful Disciples of Christ camp on the lakefront of Crystal lake in Michigan! I got the opportunity to spend two weeks at this amazing campground, and I loved every minute of it! When I first got to Michigan, I met Amanda who drove me to the campsite, which was about 2.5 hours away. So we had a bunch of time to get to know one another, and we are such good friends now! During the drive, we also saw wild horses running in a field, and that was so beautiful to see along the way! 

There is something that has to be said about live music being played at church camps- it truly feeds your soul. However, at camp Crystal, they have worship in a large dome shaped outdoor building where it amplifies the voices of everyone even more- the feeling I felt listening to some of those songs during worship… indescribable and enchanting. One of the nights, one of the fellow counselors, Adam, sang “come as you are '' while playing the piano for the night’s special music. I did not realize how much that song would affect me until I heard him sing a message I full heartedly believe God spoke through Adam’s talents. Each night had a different individual preaching to us, and they really spoke to me. One of them was given by Carol; and she told us that you will never look in the face of someone who is insignificant in the eyes of our creator. This message was so important, especially in a summer where our General Assembly theme is “The Kindom of God.” She preached that there are no nobodies in God’s kingdom… in God’s Kindom.

Like at Kamp Kaleo, Camp Crystal also does a float trip- and I got to do it twice! I have preached a sermon on inner and outer peace a couple times when I get to do pulpit supply. In this sermon I talk about how inner peace is found by everyone differently. I say all of this because I truly found some inner peace just floating down a river surrounded by God’s creation and feeling the water’s surface on my fingertips.

Something that is unique to camp Crystal is that they have an adventure course right on site!! They had a whole afternoon carved out for the campers and counselors to push themselves, and work on communication through various obstacle courses, including a rock wall!! One of the afternoon’s activities was also going to a popular tourist attraction in Michigan: sleeping bear sand dunes. This was a really good workout, but an even better view!!! Climbing those mountainous sand dunes is a great time and place to clear your head and really count your blessings. Once I got to the top of those mountains of sand, I immediately forgot the muscle aches I got while fighting to make my way to the top, because I was so amazed by the views before me. That night, some of the counselors “snuck” our cabins out to stargaze on the beach in the middle of the night. Just like on the top of that sand dune, while laying on the beach staring up at hundreds of stars, I was once again overwhelmed with the miraculous sight of God’s creation. 

Something else that is also unique to camp Crystal is the spectacular color war! You will see just how cool this is, once you get a look at how the photos came out! This is how Camp Crystal takes their camp photo every summer, and what a fun experience!! There is a water balloon fight, a shaving cream war, and then a color explosion, followed by swimming in the lake!  While I am sad I did not get to go to the last camp that was initially planned for me, I am so lucky to have spent a second week here. I got to kayak on the lake during sunset, go shopping at local souvenir stores, take a much needed nap on the jumping platform while also tanning for a while, and connect to God’s creation while floating in the lake.

 As Camp Crystal was the last camp I visited this summer, I had a lot of time during my last week of camps to reflect on my summer before the closing week with the other interns. Something that really stood out to me was how I have learned how to walk places without rushing. I thought about this: how often do I really walk somewhere and take the time to absorb all that is around me? How often do I walk places simply rushing with the goal of just getting to the designated location? Why haven’t I found peace in simply walking slowly to wherever I need to get, and really take my time in all that God has blessed me with? I think walking along the beach in Michigan really helped me take that reflection to heart and I can't wait to continue that practice this upcoming semester at school!

Snack update!! 

  • Popcorn I tried at Stormcloud Brewing and Restaurant: honey sriracha, zesty ranch, and truffle oil/parmesan cheese! I loved the honey sriracha popcorn so much that I went back a second time the following week!! 

  • Camp snack:  I got to have some really tasty banana cream pie from a local bakery that two of the counselors picked up for me! It was super good! I also got to have breakfast pizza from a local pizza shop, and oh my goodness, best breakfast ever!!