R&R is OK

Things to do as a peace intern on midsummer retreat in Enid, Oklahoma:

  • Chill at the Spring Hill Suites.

  • Appreciate Oklahoma’s gentle breezes and temperate climate on a 108 degree summer afternoon.

  • Tour Vance Air Force base and watch the constant stream of planes fly overhead.

  • Train to be a fighter pilot on a real Air Force flight simulator. (It’s the world’s greatest video game!)

  • Eat delicious church-cooked chicken tetrazzini.

  • Go to Sonic after 8 PM for half-price shakes.

  • Meet some cowboys who moonlight as actors in Western films.

  • Audition to be a cast member in a straight-to-DVD Western film.

  • Have fun with the boys at the YMCA.

  • Hang with the locals and do lots of singing.

  • Get backstage passes to an up-and-coming band and be featured in a live performance.

  • Have the lead singer of said band be your boss.

  • Visit Oklahoma’s Vietnam Memorial and meet the mayor of Enid and a state senator.

  • Learn how to entertain yourself while spending 8 hours in the OKC airport.

  • Take a walk through Candyland Park or stroll along a bike trail.

  • Learn about Chisholm Trail and Will Rogers and why Sooner is better than later

  • Be a part of some powerful worship services and keynotes and share your experiences as a peace intern.

But most importantly, relax, reflect, regroup, and ready yourself for the second half of summer!


Jonathan Cahill is a 2014 Disciples Peace Fellowship Intern, sponsored by Federated Church of West Lafayette.