Peace Interns in the Time of COVID-19

2020 DPF Peace Interns Logo.jpg

In light of the coronavirus pandemic, Disciples Peace Fellowship is developing new and different ways that our 2020 Peace Interns will be able to “live out the Gospel imperative for Peace and Justice.” 

The church camps that we partner with are working to adapt their plans for this summer. Some have already cancelled events, some are rescheduling for later in the summer in the hopes of being able to hold camp, and some are exploring “online only” models.

In this moment of social distancing where travel is necessarily restricted and we show our care for our communities by sheltering at home it simply is not possible or prudent for Peace Interns to crisscross the United States and Canada going from church camp to church camp. The 2020 Peace Interns will be working remotely this summer, partnering with Regions, local congregations, General Ministries, and other peace & justice organizations.

So we are in the process of reimagining the Peace Internship for this summer. Our 2020 Peace Interns Wendy, Raphael, and Jennifer are all on board for this new challenge and looking forward to working in innovative ways, in new contexts, with new ministry partners. They each bring unique and wonderful skills that we will be showcasing and sharing with the wider church in a number of ways…that we are still figuring out.

Members of the DPF Executive Committee (Chrissy Stonebraker-Martinez, Kristen Walling, Mae Margaret Davis, and Krista Johnson) are working with our DPF Mission Director Brian Frederick-Gray and our 2020 Peace Interns to develop a new, inspiring, and effective model for the Peace Internship for these uncertain times of the coronavirus. 

You can keep up with our developing plans right here at the Follow the Interns blog. If you, your congregation, your Region, your ministry, or your peace & justice organization have an online experience this summer that you would like to invite the 2020 Peace Interns to be a part of you can submitted your event at our modified Request an Intern page.