Meet the 2020 DPF Peace Interns!

Disciples Peace Fellowship is so excited to introduce our 2020 DPF Peace Interns!

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Wendy Davidson (she/her)

Wendy is completing her Master of Divinity degree at Brite Divinity School and is a member of Galileo Christian Church. She grew up attending church camps at Disciples Crossing in North Texas and is currently serving as pastor of a Disciples congregation in the West Texas town of Woodson (population 264).

A graduate of the University of Texas at Austin, Wendy majored in Biomedical Engineering, with a focus on computer programming and data analytics (“The logical precursor to seminary!” she jokes).

Her deep-seated  respect for science and data gives Wendy a particular passion for the environment and “our responsibility to care for the Earth as co-Creators with God of the world that God still loves.” Wendy is also an ardent advocate for LGBTQIA+ rights as well as immigration reform.

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Raphael Guillen (they/them or ae/aers)

A first year MDiv. student at Iliff School of Theology, Raphael lives in San Diego, CA and is a member of MissionGathering. Originally from the Bay Area they earned their undergraduate degree at San Francisco State University with a BA in Women and Gender Studies.

Raphael sees the Peace Intern Program as a wonderful opportunity to connect with the wider church, discern their future path in ministry, and spend the summer having the kind of justice-centered conversations that are their favorite thing to engage in.

Raphael is a passionate advocate for trans rights and has a love for open source technology. Combining their interests in technology and social justice, Raphael taught a class in undergrad called "Cyberfeminism" about the intersection between the internet/technology and feminism.

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Jennifer Williams (she/her)

Jennifer is completing her year as an NBA Xplor Resident in northeast Ohio and is currently a member of Hiram Christian Church.

Originally from New Orleans, Jennifer majored in chemistry and a minored in creative writing at the University of Lynchburg. In college she came to know and love the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) through her work with the campus chaplain.

Jennifer’s science background has led her to focus on climate change as a major justice issue. 

In describing this past year as an Xplor Resident Jennifer writes, "I love warmth and when I cannot get it from mother nature, I get it from people. My spiritual journey has definitely deepened since being here and seeing God's Light shine through God's people. I feel like Jennifer 2.0!”