October 13, 2023 Statement on Israel/Palestine — Disciples Peace Fellowship

October 13, 2023 Statement on Israel/Palestine

Disciples Peace Fellowship grieves the loss of all lives, Israeli and Palestinian alike, from the recent escalation of violence between Hamas and Israel. God’s eye extends to the birds of the sky, where even the smallest sparrow is watched over and cared for. The divine recognizes the preciousness of every life. The lives of Palestinians and the lives of Israelis are precious in the eyes of God.


Along with many others, DPF understands that this conflict did not appear out of nowhere but is rooted in an ongoing system of apartheid and a fundamental imbalance of power between Israelis and Palestinians. Recognizing the complex interplay of collective trauma, despair, occupation, collective punishment, the rhetoric of resistance and the rhetoric of self-defense, DPF reaffirms our commitment to witness to the Prince of Peace and his way of nonviolence. While we hear that now is an inconvenient time to advocate for peace – that it is not practical and we should accept the ways of retribution and vengeance – we refuse to be silent.


We encourage all Disciples of Christ in the United States and Canada to call their elected leaders, urging them to demand an immediate ceasefire, de-escalation of violence, and the re-opening of humanitarian assistance into Gaza.

Click on the following links for additional statements from our partners:

Fellowship of Reconciliation

Global Ministries

United Church of Christ and Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)

General Assembly Resolution 2339
