Music Rejuvenates the Body



This past week I was at Disciples Oaks in Gonzales, TX and our theme was Superheroes. I loved spending time with my small group (WHAM! featured above) and getting to know all the campers! Each day was had a different exciting activities. Monday we had throwback games like clue, hungry, hungry hippo and battle ship. Tuesday we had Christmas in June, which included breakfast in pj’s and everyone receiving Christmas mugs. Wednesday was our messy games day. Thursday we did a service project and stained the new amphitheater. And Friday was the last day of camp for the seniors ever so we had a backyard party for the seniors. Despite the extremely hot weather and no air conditioning in the dining hall I had an incredible week in Gonzalez, TX and I would love to return one day.

However I never realized as a camper that the adults are just as exhausted if not more during the week. But with exhaustion also comes rejuvenation and I wanted to share my story.

My rejuvenation story starts on Wednesday night around midnight. That evening we started worship at 10:30 PM and I was already exhausted and ready to go to sleep. Our worship that night included prayer stations from one side of the camp to our dorms. At each station we did something different; station one we wrote a prayer, station two braided fabric and reflected on our calling from God, station three we finger painted where we see God in our life and the last station the Youth Leadership Team washed our hands and then we went to the basketball court outside and waited for communion. After communion the campers were invited to take their time as the reflected or prayed. As one of the adults who was waiting outside for campers to come in for bed I was wanting to hurry them up. But then I noticed a fellow counselor trying to hold a light and play his guitar so while I was waiting for the campers I offered to hold the light for him. And then we sang “How He Loves” and a few other songs. After just singing under the stars to the few campers who were left I went to bed feeling more awake with the energy to finish my week off strong! And looking back in the moment I am so glad those few campers needed more time to reflect because it turns out I needed more time to discover singing as well.

I am excited say I am already at my next camp: Niner’s Camp in Athens, TX at Disciples Crossing and cannot wait to see what is in store for me here!

Till next time y’all!