I'm Soarin'

As Troy and Gabriella so eloquently explain in the High School Musical song “Breaking Free”:We’re soarin’, flyin’. There’s not a star in heaven that we can’t reachIf we’re trying, so we’re breaking freeOhhhh runnin’, Climbin’. To get to that place to be all that we can beNow’s the time so we’re breaking free

This song became the unofficial theme song for myself and many others, (mainly because I wouldn’t stop singing it and it got stuck in everyone’s head!), but it fits in so well with the theme for General Assembly this year, which was “Soar”. The theme was based on a scripture in Isaiah and is very similar to this song. Isaiah 40 says, “But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.”

The whole premise is based on the fact that through Christ we can do all things, we can walk and not collapse from being tired, we can run for miles and miles and be good to go, and we can soar like the birds in the sky because our faith, mind, and body are renewed in God’s love for us. I know that is what General Assembly is for many people, and I know it was that way for me.The worship services were so meaningful and the messages were empowering. Different preachers from different denominations provided the evening sermon and it was very neat to see that each style was not at all unfamiliar. They talked about doing more and being more and how as the church, it is our responsibility to help our neighbors, support our friends, and bring the love of God to people in a welcoming and supportive way. Bible thumping does not bring in new blood to the church, but loving and gentle actions do.The best part about Assembly was seeing all of my old and new friends. I loved hanging out with the other two interns, Celia and Will and after a long summer, we all had stories to share! I also saw at least the directors or keynoters or counselors and/or campers from each camp, and it was awesome to have these people come up to me and chat. I feel that I have made some amazing connections this summer and could not have asked for better camps to go too! I look forward to the next General Assembly in Indianapolis and am excited to see how much I have changed because of my DPF Internship!