From sea to shining sea...

IMG_7251Hello Disciples World! My name is Briana Black and I am from Casper, Wyoming. I am a 2015 Disciples Peace Fellowship (DPF) Intern for the Summer at 2015! (I'm the goofy looking one in the center of the picture!)

 I have had the opportunity to be in Indianapolis, IN with two other Peace Interns, Celia Thomason and Will O’Brien,  to learn more about all of the wonderful things our denomination is doing and how I can be a resource for students all over the country. We have met with the General Minister and President, Sharon Watkins; have talked with Global Ministries; Disciples Home Ministries (DHM); the Center for Interfaith Cooperation (CIC); the Gay, Lesbian, and Affirming Disciples (GLAD); National Convocation; Green Chalice; Disciples Women; and so many more!

Our denomination has a very long arm, and are involved in so many wonderful organizations and events! I have met some amazing people this past week in Indianapolis and have learned about what Disciples are doing in the field and how they contribute to peace and justice across the world.

After training week, we three interns are headed off to all different camps to explain and promote peace and justice to our nation’s youth. We will hold workshops and activities all related to peace and justice issues of our choice and hopefully will plant some seeds of change! I am so excited to have the opportunity to discuss Human Rights issues that affect our own country and abroad. 

I look forward to visiting all the camps, meeting new and wonderful people, and sharing all of my experience! This is such an amazing experience and I am so thankful DOC has allowed me to be a part of such a cool group of people!

I will be headed to 7 camps from sea to shining sea! I am going to:

  • Camp Christian- Gordon, GA
  • Camp Caroline- Arapahoe, NC
  • Camp Couchdale- Hot Springs, AR
  • Community of the Great Commission- Foresthill, CA
  • Camp Christian- Marysville, OH
  • Loch Leven- Mentone, CA
  • Cane Ridge West- Lincoln, MT

Briana Map