If you asked me in the spring how I felt about accepting my position as a Peace Intern, I would tell you that I was scared and uncertain. I would tell you that I had no idea what was to come. I would tell you that I didn’t know if this summer would be quite as good as any of those I’d had in the past.
If you asked me now, I would tell you that it was one of the best decisions of my life. I would tell you that this was the best summer of my life and that it has blessed me beyond measure.
I can’t sum up all of the conversations, emotions and experiences of Peace Intern Closing Retreat. This blog post would become closer to the length of a short novel if I tried. But I can tell you that everything that transpired over that week affirmed and reaffirmed my call to ministry, especially as I got to be in the same space as Brian, Sarah, Maggie, and Allison again. It was a week that nurtured my spirit and brought me closer to people who now feel like my family.
Here are some photos from our time together!
Finally reunited with Allison and Maggie!
Wearing our matching Allisonville Christian Church Shirts at Sunday service.
Trying our hand at TopGolf!
Hanging out with Fiyori!!
We got to go to the Indy State Fair! It was AMAZING!!!
I love these two so much.
Indeed it is. (Thanks for hanging out with us at the State Fair Isaac!)
We got matching tattoos. The three doves represent each of us!
We got to hang out a lot with Sarah’s cat Charles.
This is my very last blog post as a Peace Intern. I’m sad that this chapter of my life is closing, but I’m endlessly grateful for everything I learned and everyone I met. I want to say a prayer for the next three Peace Interns. As Brian told us on our last day of Closing Retreats, the Peace Interns selected every year are an answer to a prayer. Before I even knew about this program, before I applied, before anyone at DPF knew my name, the previous Peace Interns were praying for me. It is my hope that this prayer reaches the hearts and minds of next summer’s Peace Interns, so that they may have a summer as beautiful as I did. Will you pray with me?
Gracious and Loving God,
Thank you for your creation of this beautiful world. Thank you for creating the people who founded Disciples Peace Fellowship, and for all of the Peace Interns who have come before me. Thank you for leading me to DPF, to Maggie and Allison, to every person I’ve met and shared your holy love with this summer. I ask that you be with the future Peace Interns as they find out about DPF or as they are considering it already. I pray that you help them to discern their path forward and that they can be prepared in mind, body and spirit for the joy and challenges their Peace Intern Summer has in store for them. They are each wonderfully and beautifully made–help them to be certain of that as they take on this honorable role of leadership for the church.
It is in your many names I pray,