Bonus Peace Intern Blog: Indy Pride Dog Review!

I’ve heard (from reliable sources) that this year’s cohort of Peace Interns has been the first that is able to go to Pride in Indianapolis. This was such a fun experience, celebrating all of God’s creatures no matter how they walk through life. I was full of boundless joy, running through the streets of Indianapolis handing out candy to the young people of the city, and the young at heart. I couldn’t help but notice how much joy was in the community. 

There was joy as we marched through the streets. There was joy as onlookers enjoyed the parade. There was joy as new people connected through the love of the LGBTQ+ community. There was joy as old friends were able to connect throughout the festival. 

Overall, it was a joy filled and joy fueled day. 

I couldn’t help but notice the joy of some of God’s best creatures, dogs. Dogs are always so happy to be here and I was so excited to talk with them, and their owners during the event. Here are some, not all, of the dogs I was able to meet. 

Image shows a small fluffy dog wearing a Mario costume, including a red hat with an M. A man, presumably his owner, holds the dog wearing a matching hat, as well as a red flower behind his ear and a Pride flag as a cape. 

This is the dog that started it all. I saw him and his owner and thought they were both so cute. I decided to rank dogs because of them, and how could he not get a great score??

For each dog, I will give 3 measures of success. 

  1. Imaginary names. I am going to give every dog an imaginary name, because I don’t know their given name. 

  2. Outfit score. Every dog will get a score on their outfit. 

  3. Overall cuteness score. A score measuring how cute I think they are. If you disagree, feel free to say something in the comments. 

Dog #1 Mariotini

For Mariotini (who we see above) here is his score:

Name: Mariotini 8/10. Very cute, very clever. 

Outfit: 10/10. The coordination? Unmatched. Except by his owner. 

Cuteness: 9/10. Incredibly cute. 

This is going to be a difficult challenge. 

A dark brown dog, wearing a pride bandana, walks on a leash. Two people in black outfits accompany the dog. 

Dog #2 Persephone

Imaginary name: Persephone 10/10, great literary reference. 

Outfit score: 6/10. Kinda basic. 

Cuteness score: 9/10. I know this picture doesn’t do her justice, but she was doing some really cool tricks, which is cute to me. She’s a working girl. 

Two black dogs in fuzzy rainbow booties and unicorns watch the parade as two people hold their leashes. The dogs are very similar and wear matching outfits. 

Dogs 3 and 4: Glitter and Sparkles

They will be judged as a team. 

Imaginary names: 8/10. Very on brand. 

Outfit: 9/10. So coordinated and they’re very good sports. 

Cuteness: 7/10. They’re very cute. Just, are they cute enough? 

A black, tan, and white dog is on a leash. The dog has a rainbow patterned bandana and their tongue out. 

Dog #5 Grout

Imaginary name: Grout. 5/10. Did I come up with it? Yes. Do I think it needs some workshopping? Also yes. 

Outfit: 4/10. Again, kinda basic. They seem to have just thrown on a bandana and gone about their day. 

Cuteness: 400/10. I have a soft spot for a big dog that slobbers a lot. Grout fits that bill perfectly. Great job Grout. 

And with that, Grout shoots into the lead. 

A red husky with blue eyes stands on a leash wearing a Service Dog vest and rainbow bandana. The dog’s ears are painted rainbow. The legs of the people traveling with the dog can be seen in frame. 

Dog #6 Alfalfa

Imaginary name: Alfalfa. 9/10. Very sweet. Very accurate. 

Outfit: 9/10. Alfalfa means business. This is a working dog, and I respect it. Could be a LITTLE more colorful. Come on, this is pride. 

Cuteness: 12/10. How could you not love this face????

A husky with blue eyes is laying on the ground next to festival goers. The dog is wearing a heart covered bandana, a pink and blue vest, and a rainbow lei. 

Dog #7 Addie

Imaginary name: ADDIE!!
After spending hours at the festival chasing down dogs, I finally got a dog’s name 20/10 for Addie, who is actually named Addie. 

Outfit: 9/10. Love the lei. Very tropical paradise. 

Cuteness: Addie was very cute, but sitting next to a pile of her own fur. And for that she gets a 6/10. 

A small terrier stands among the festival wearing an oversized bandana. Festival goers can be seen in the background, with a person wearing rainbow socks holding the dog’s pink leash. 

Dog #8 Scrappy Doo

Imaginary name: Scrappy Doo. This reminds me of the energy of Scrappy Doo. 4/10. 

Outfit: Again, pretty basic, but I appreciate how large the bandana is compared to his small body. 7/10. 

Cuteness: 30/10. Scrappy Doo’s vibe seems fun and chaotic, in the best way. 

A small dog, a black and tan Cavalier King Charles Spaniel stands on a road wearing a blue Service Dog vest. The vest has a yellow leash attached, and people’s legs can be seen in the background. 

Dog #9 Charles

Imaginary name: Charles! My partner had a dog similar to this one when he was younger, and we pretend that all dogs of this breed have the same name. So, this is Charles. 10/10 name. 

Outfit: Another working dog? Okay corporate ladder!! Very small pride bows, so 9/10. 

Cuteness: 100/10. So cute. Great smile. Great ears. Very Lady from Lady and the Tramp. 

A white a tan dog lays casually covered in rainbow paint. The metal base of an umbrella is to the left of the dog and the owners can be seen to the right of the dog. 

Dog #10 Terrance

Imaginary name: Terrance. 10/10. Very business professional. 

Outfit: 6/10 although Terrance went without “clothes”, the rainbow paint is very cool and works well with Terrance’s blue eyes. 

Cuteness: 10/10. I love how Terrance is sitting like a cinnamon roll. Terrance was so polite. Love. 

A small black and white dog with heterochromia looks nervous at the camera. The dog is wearing a blue shirt with a design on it. The legs of people walking the dog can be seen in the background. 

Dog #11 Steven

Imaginary name: Steven. Steven has business to attend to. 8/10. 

Outfit: Steven moved too much for me to make out what was on the shirt. It was probably pride related, 8/10. 

Cuteness: Steven wanted out of there, but had a very sweet face. 9/10. You’ll get there soon. 

A golden retriever in a blue and pink paisley bandana stands in the grass. A person can be seen to the dog’s left, and a yellow floral leash is visible. 

Dog #12 Delilah

Imaginary Name: Delilah. Doesn’t this dog look like a Delilah? 14/10. 

Outfit: Original colors, not original fit. 7/10. 

Cuteness: 25/10. Such a cute and friendly dog. 

A small chihuahua can be seen wearing a white outfit in a pink dog stroller. A food truck, with people lined up, can be seen in the background. 

Dog # 13 Chrysanthemum

Imaginary Name: Chrysanthemum. Big name for little dog. 12/10. 

Outfit: If you include the dog stroller, this is a 30/10. Such a large contraption for such a little dog. Love love love. 

Cuteness: This dog is so small? I can’t understand. 300/10. 

Technically, a person could go through and tally up all of the scores I gave the dogs. But, the goal was to celebrate the joy that dogs bring to our community. In the same way, Pride is an opportunity to celebrate the people we cherish and the ways in which people love each other. Joy and love are such brilliant gifts given to us by God, so I celebrate all of God’s creations. 

Will you pray with me? 

Dear Creator, 

You have made us each in your image. We are people full of joy and celebration, but also loss and tragedy. Through it all, you carry each of us. Let us celebrate the joy of Pride each and every day and take every opportunity to celebrate the love we are bestowed by our Creator. 

In their name we pray, 
