Training Week Reflections from Marci

Training week in Indianapolis was absolutely amazing! I got to hang out with the other interns: Kaylie and Grace, and I really do feel like through our week together, I made two new best friends!

As a cohort, we interacted with 24 ministry leaders connected to the larger denomination and discussed how we can implement social justice advocacy into the church camps we visit this summer. Towards the end of the week, I even got some down time to grab some dinner with my previous lacrosse coach and catch up on the summer so far! The 2023 cohort also got some time out to experience Indianapolis, Indiana! We ate at local restaurants, shopped at small businesses, and went to Top Golf! 

Through bonding with Grace and Kaylie, it became easier to talk about difficult things and ask hard questions throughout various training sessions. Through the guidance and leadership of DPF Mission Director Rev. Brian Frederick-Gray and 2023 Peace Intern Chaplain Rev. Sarah Zuniga, I got to experience interactions that I would have never been able to otherwise. DPF has connections with the larger church to do amazing and life changing work! Through these connections, we learned about ministries with AllianceQ, Green Chalice, NAPAD, Obra Hispana, Disciples Home Missions, and so many more! (This is where I encourage you to come to General Assembly and meet our partners!) 

Something significant I learned during training week is how important delivery is when it comes to things we are passionate about. Learning about hard topics that carry charged language and personal experiences is difficult for anyone. How a topic is discussed, presented, and engaged with is so important, especially starting with its delivery. Through boundary trainings and a Peace Practices Resource called “Singing to the Lions,” we learned crucial ways to speak to youth about hard topics that may come up this summer. 

Having been through training week, what excited me most is the amazing networks and connections I will make this summer! Not only with the faith leaders we will get to interact with again at General Assembly, but also those at the various camps who share similar passions as me!

This summer is only just beginning and I cannot wait to share everything with you!