There’s No Place Like Home

For two weeks, I had the opportunity to serve at my home camp - Tawakoni. This place and the people there have meant so much to me, and I loved getting to share some of that back with them.

Although, to be completely honest, I was just a little (okay, maybe more than a little) scared for these two weeks. These were the people who got me to where I am today - without their support and guidance throughout my years at camp, I wouldn’t have a passion for fighting for peace and social justice. I really wanted to make them proud. Little did I know, I had nothing to be afraid of. I was welcomed home with open arms and grateful hearts.


I also want to share a couple of experiences that really touched me and helped strengthen my faith. We had one camper who started out isolated, keeping to themselves away from the group, always wore a hoodie and long pants. Throughout the week, we witnessed something beautiful; gradually, the camper opened up to a couple others, shed a few layers, and by the end of the week was participating in the talent show. I was in awe every day seeing them open up, little by little. Moments like that remind me the magic that is created when a safe space is provided for those who need it.

There was another moment, at the very last evening worship, that describes the community that is found at camp. As we were taking communion, there were a few campers with tears in their eyes, realizing the week was about to come to a close. They were comforting each other, some kneeling to pray with each other. That support, the family, and the love felt between everyone at this place is what reminded me of how important it is to be in community together, especially after the past year.

I’d like to end with the verse that means so much to me because of it’s importance to our camp - Psalm 46:10

“Be still and know that I am God;
I will be exalted among the nations,
I will be exalted in the earth.”