Back at Camp Chandler

Camp Chandler, my home camp was one I was looking forward to a lot.

After a year away from this place, I was ready to be back and I was in a new role for the year: Peace Intern at CYF. I was counseling with some of the people who were my counselors when I was a camper, so I knew pretty much every counselor there. It was also exciting because some of my family were there so it was nice to catch up with them. 

It was interesting to find out that this year there were more boy campers than girl campers which was new to the camp because it is usually the other way around, but we were all still very excited.

Once all the campers arrived, we started with the rules and expectations for the campers which is always to be expected. Camp finally started after we had lunch. Unfortunately, it stormed so the swim time for the day had to be canceled which left a lot of campers upset because it was very hot and humid and who doesn’t love swim time.

We found time to play games and had people catch up and meet new people.

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During the campers scavenger hunt, I decided to take some time for myself and find a good place to chill in my hammock until campfire. The photo above and the next few pictures are some I took as I tried to find a good spot.

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As a person who loves to take photos and such, I very much neglected it this summer. Though the few photos I took I like a lot and speak a lot to where I was.

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I wish I was able to take photos of the last vespers we did because it was beautiful, but I was helping with it so I was not able to so y’all will have to take my word that it was amazing. There were 21 campers there this summer, which is a good number considering last year. Each camper had a great time (as far as I know) despite the few bumps there were. All of them got along by the end of it and each grew within Christ. I look forward to going back (but to Junior camp because I love the small children lol) and glad this is where I can call home.