Goodbye Training Week. Hello Summer!


Goodbye training week, hello summer!

As with almost everything in the past year, Peace Intern Training Week was not what anyone originally had in mind - as you can see from my picture, this is where most of my week was spent.

Even though we couldn’t start the summer off all together in person, I am so thankful we were still able to gather and learn from so many wonderful people trying to do good in the world.

Where to start with training week…

I just have one word: WOW!

It was so inspiring to listen and learn from some amazing, strong, talented people. Until training week, I had no idea about so many of the ministries within our church. I learned about our National Convocation, NAPAD, Obra Hispana, Green Chalice, and SO many more!

There were a few sessions that really stood out for me.

The first was about creating an extravagant welcome for our LGBTQ+ community from AllianceQ. I believe everyone should be not only welcomed, but also celebrated in our church so it was great to see so many people working to make that possible.

I also loved learning about the powerful history of the Disciples Women’s Ministries, because who doesn’t’t love hearing from strong women standing up for justice?

Finally, it was also interesting to learn more about the many different ways our Refugee and Immigration Ministries (who I am excited to work with this week!), are fighting to support the refugees coming to find peace in our country.

Overall, it was amazing to hear and learn from so many strong leaders within our church, and finally have the chance to get to know my fellow Peace Interns - even if it was all through a screen.

I look forward to the day we all get to safely meet in person!