Reflections after Training Week

Hello Everyone ☺

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Well! I made it through training week! I sat through a lot of zoom meetings, and I had a lot of new information thrown at me. It was tiring, but also a really great experience! My favorite part of it was probably getting to meet so many wonderful people and to learn about all the amazing work they’re doing. I also learned so much about the denomination itself.

Did you know about National Convocation? I didn’t! And if you’re out there now, reading this, and you’re also like “National Convocation?? What’s that?” then:

  1. Know that you aren’t alone, and

  2. Go look it up! 

Are you doing it? Did you look it up? No?

Well go on!

Don’t worry; I’ll wait for you to come back. 

I’ve attached a picture of my new tattoo. Just because. I’m very happy with it! ☺

I’ve attached a picture of my new tattoo. Just because. I’m very happy with it! ☺

Welcome back!  Good on you for looking it up! (I’m holding you to the honor system here.) 

Aside from learning about National Convocation, I also learned about so many of our church’s ministries that I had no idea were out there! I’d encourage you all to check them out when you have the time; they’re doing some great work! 

On a personal note, as someone with great anxiety, I felt very held during Training Week. There are so many wonderful people looking out for me this summer. What’s more, they all encouraged me to trust myself as I embarked on this once-in-a-lifetime summer. I’m doing my best to do that.

Part of me is terrified, but I keep reminding myself that these amazing people told me they believed in me. Randy Kuss told me that more than any workshop I create, the most impactful thing I could do this summer was to just be myself, and that just the simple act of being myself can speak volumes to someone, without my even knowing it.

What’s more, several people during training week told us that we were chosen as Peace Interns because of who we are. That’s both uplifting and oddly weighty.

I hope I live up to it.

In the meantime, I’ll do my best to trust that I will!!!