Pics from My Week at Wakon'Da-Ho

Here are some pics from My Week at Wakon’Da-Ho. Read my Blog Post about the week here.

Some ASMR ambience from camp Wakan'Da-Ho during a rainy morning watch.

Funky Catapillar.jpg

Caterpillar we found during small group. Probably an alien.

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Beautiful sunset during the talent show!

Crawdad I thought was a scorpion in the dark lol.jpg

I 100% thought this crawdad was a scorpion. In my defence, it was very dark. I was also very confused because it seemed really big for the climate lol. Shoutout to Ashlyn for pointing out that it was a crawdad, and that I should probably use my flashlight to see it instead of trying to stare at it in the dark!


A campfire for campfire!
(Note: Can you spy the cat in this picture? She was the resident mama cat at the camp, and soooooo cute!!)

My Small group's vespers.jpg

Camp WKDH's vespers site! This was taken after my small group's vespers. Great job gang!

A cute lil frog on some moss.

This was in the dining hall. I never got an explanation for it, and I never asked.


Here's a typical day's schedule. I particularly liked this one because it had "din-din" on it for dinner lol!