You can make a difference. Without support from people like you, Disciples Peace Fellowship couldn’t do the work of creating and supporting a more peaceful world. Thank you!



Your donation allows us to continue to promote and pursue peace and justice initiatives, educate people around issues of peace and justice, and support the peace intern program.

Disciples Peace Fellowship depends entirely on membership fees and donations to support its work. We need your help to keep our programs running.

You can also financially support DPF by sending a check to the address below:

Disciples Peace Fellowship
Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
PO Box 1986
Indianapolis, IN 46208-1986

Gifts can be designated as general gifts or can go towards the Kirby Page Fund, an endowment that will help build a sustainable future for the Peace Intern Program.You can send a check for the Kirby Page Endowment Fund to this address:

Kirby Page Fund
Christian Church Foundation
P.O. Box 1986
Indianapolis, IN 46208-1986

Remember DPF in Your Will

Consider leaving a lasting legacy of peace and justice by including Disciples Peace Fellowship in your will.

The Disciples Peace Fellowship Permanent Fund has been established to provide ongoing support to DPF’s ministries of peace and justice and to help guarantee that DPF will be around for decades to come. Only interest and other profits are used to support DPF.
The Christian Church Foundation, which manages the DPF Permanent Fund and the Kirby Page Endowment Fund, can provide assistance with your donation. Rev.Dr. Darwin Collins is DPF’s representative at the Christian Church Foundation. He can be reached at or by calling (800) 668-8016.


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