Donate to the Kirby Page Endowment Fund

Disciples Peace Fellowship established the Kirby Page Endowment in the early 2000’s at Christian Church Foundation (CCF) to support the longterm future of the Peace Intern program.

The Kirby Page Fund is a permanent endowed fund that is ear marked specifically and exclusively for the Peace Intern Program at Disciples Peace Fellowship.

As DPF celebrates the 50th Anniversary of the Peace Intern Program in 2025, we want raise up new generations of DPF Peace Interns by growing the Kirby Page Endowment Fund by $200,000 to provide stipends for three peace interns each year!

We invite you to consider a contribution either through a one-time donation or through pledging over a three year period (General Assembly 2025 to General Assembly 2028) to send a specified donation to CCF for the Kirby Page Endowment Fund until you’ve completed your pledge.

How to contribute to the Kirby Page Endowment Fund at CCF:

  • Donate through the Christian Church Foundation Website

    From the CCF Donation Page enter your gift amount in the Permanent Fund, choose the frequency of your gift, and the date you would like your gift to start, then hit Continue at the bottom of the screen. On the next screen in the Payment Information section make sure to note Kirby Page Endowment Fund in the For the Permanent Fund of section.

  • Send a check once or monthly, quarterly or annually to CCF over the three-year pledge period.

    Include a note: “I/we wish to contribute to the Kirby Page Endowment fund. Enclosed is a check in the amount of…” 

    Make checks out to Christian Church Foundation (you may want to add to the memo line on the check: for Kirby Page Endowment) and send to:

    Christian Church Foundation
    PO Box 1007
    Indianapolis, IN 46206-1007

  • By Electronic Transfer

    For an electronic transfer, contact Christian Church Foundation, (800) 668-8016, for banking information.

  • Give from your IRA with a Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD)

    Also known as an IRA Charitable Rollover, QCDs are available if you are at least age 70½ and you have an IRA. For those who are 73 and older, this is an especially tax-wise way to give because a QCD gift can satisfy all or part of your required minimum distribution (RMD).

    Benefits of a QCD gift:

    • Beginning January 1, 2025, avoid taxes on transfers of up to $108,000 directly from your IRA to a qualified charitable organization

    • If 73 or older:

      • Satisfy all or part of your RMD

      • Reduce your taxable income without itemizing as a deduction

      • Help support the mission of an organization that is important to you

If you have questions about the Kirby Page Endowment Fund and the ways you can donate to it to support the work of the DPF Peace Intern Program, please contact Mary Jacobs.